A minute can make a difference!
Have a couple extra minutes here and there? That can make a difference in your child’s literacy skills.
Here are some easy learning activities you can do together as a family. Take a minute and make a difference!
- Choose a letter of the day. Look for it in any printed materials you see (newspaper, labels at the grocery store, billboards, etc.).
- While you are waiting for the bagel to toast, have your child look for the letter “B” on any items on your kitchen counter or table. Count as many as possible before the toaster pops.
- Play “Guess Who.” Describe a cartoon character, celebrity or historical figure. Allow a guess after each detail is disclosed. Expand vocabulary by using unusual words and then explaining their meaning.
- Talk to your child about his or her day. Try questions like “what was the most surprising/curious/funny thing that happened today?” You are giving your child opportunities to increase vocabulary, recall and reflect.