Celebrate National Family Literacy Day 2011
Today is National Family Literacy Day®. Since 1994, November 1 has been a day of celebrating the wonders of family literacy.
November is also National Family Literacy Month®, so today kicks off a month-long effort to celebrate and remind people of the importance of families learning together.
Wonderopolis® is taking part in the celebration with a very special Wonder of the Day®: #394 What Can Children Teach Their Parents?
Family literacy is all about families learning together. Of course, that often means that it’s the parents who are teaching the children.
Most parents can tell you, though, that they’ve learned some important lessons from their children, too. It’s this interplay between parents and children that makes family literacy so powerful.
After you read the Wonder of the Day, make sure you chime in with what you’ve learned from the children in your life! Post a comment, or share your thoughts on Facebook or Twitter.
And if you’re looking for a way to celebrate literacy throughout the entire year, download NCFL’s Celebrate Literacy Calendar. This calendar offers suggestions for fun activities to do with your children each month.
From all of us at NCFL, we wish you a happy National Family Literacy Day!