Beech Acres Parenting Center | #FamilyLiteracyMonth

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Even the pickiest eaters couldn’t get enough of the DIY veggie pizza at this week’s health literacy fair held by Beech Acres Parenting Center to kick off National Family Literacy Month for its Toyota Family Learning participants.

welcomeAn on-site nutritionist provided a healthy-cooking demonstration and helped Cincinnati families select from a variety of brightly-colored vegetables to accompany the pizza dough and red sauce made on-site at Sayler Park Elementary on November 2. The families also made fruit kabobs and trail mix, read “Gregory the Terrible Eater” together as a group, learned about the importance of drinking water, and mastered beginner-yoga poses.

The Beech Acres staff modeled its health literacy fair on National Center for Families Learning’s Healthy Family Habits curriculum, a free online interactive website and materials designed to educate and excite families about preparing and eating healthy foods together.

J Wikette nutrition“Spending time in the kitchen with your children is an opportunity to spend quality time learning together, encouraging curiosity, and getting children interested in trying healthy foods,” said Jim Mason, president and CEO of Beech Acres Parenting Center. “This special event highlights the Parent and Child Together Time component that’s a key part of our Toyota Family Learning program at Beech Acres.”

Beech Acres offers family counseling and behavioral health services, foster parent training and support, and parenting education. The agency serves the east and west sides of Cincinnati, as well as Warren, Butler, Clermont, and Clinton counties. The families who attended Fun Family Cuisine are taking part in Toyota Family Learning, a two-generation learning movement led by NCFL in 10 communities across the United States.