Connect with parents via Thinkfinity Community’s new Parents & Families Group

When someone mentions Verizon Thinkfinity, you probably think of a great resource for lesson plans, interactive activities and other online resources. While offers a wealth of resources for traditional educators, these same assets are just as helpful for family literacy programs as well as families looking for new ways to inspire their children to engage in learning.

Verizon Thinkfinity is a robust educational project supported by the Verizon Foundation. Collectively with its content partners — 11 of the nation’s leading education and literacy organizations, including the National Center for Family Literacy — Thinkfinity seeks to improve student achievement in classrooms, afterschool and at home by providing thousands of free educational resources and professional development.

The Thinkfinity Community takes this vast collection of resources even further. Not only does the Thinkfinity Community provide a means to organize and bookmark its resources, but it’s also an online forum where members can share best practices and brainstorm solutions.

And now, Thinkfinity Community is moving beyond the classroom! With its newly launched Parents & Families Group, families have a new resource to turn to when it comes to their children’s education — each other!

The Parents & Families Group offers a forum for family members to connect with each other and with educators. In addition to discussions such as how to keep kids engaged in learning during the summer or where to find assistance with eighth-grade math homework, the Parents & Families Group also features a blog for sharing more resources, and it pulls in the most recent Wonders of the Day® from NCFL’s own Wonderopolis®!

Join this valuable group today! Become a member of the Thinkfinity Community, and join the Parents & Families Group. Then let the collaborating begin!