Discover family engagement resources from NCFL
NCFL is fresh off a trip to the Title 1 Conference and we are bursting with new ideas and connections. We had many insightful conversations with educators and administrators and found that the need for family engagement resources is great.
We offer many such resources for educators, literacy programs, libraries, and community-based organizations. Below, we’ve rounded up some of our community’s favorite NCFL resources for educators:
Wonderopolis® provides a fresh take on writing exercises and research projects for your students. Each day at Wonderopolis, we pose an intriguing question—the Wonder of the Day®—and explore it in a variety of ways. Why do donuts have holes? Why do stars twinkle? Find the answers to these and other Wonders for FREE at! Content is aligned to CCSS, the STEM Educational Quality Framework, and Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy.
Educators use Wonderopolis content as a way to kick off the school day, to introduce new units of study, to wrap up the school day, and for students’ independent study. Wonderopolis also helps connect home and school; students and their families can explore Wonders of the Day at home, as an extension to classroom learning.
Camp Wonderopolis:
Are you leading an after-school or summer learning program at your school or organization? Camp Wonderopolis is the free online summer-learning destination that’s full of fun, interactive STEM and literacy-building topics boosted by Maker experiments! A new edition is published every summer and is available year-round at no cost. Check out all the editions of Camp Wonderopolis at To purchase Campsite Kits to accompany Camp online, contact Sara Ulliman at
Healthy Family Habits:
Healthy Family Habits provides free and packaged family engagement content that mobilizes parents and children around health literacy. The Healthy Family Habits series offers step-by-step guides for hosting four different intergenerational events tied to health and fitness topics. It also features online resources and ideas for families seeking to extend healthy habits into their homes. All resources are available in English and Spanish, and everything is available free-of-charge. Download the resources at
Professional Development:
NCFL offers customized training (online and in-person) in parent and family engagement, early childhood education, adult education, and ESL. Click here to download a catalog of courses. For more information about specific topics and pricing, contact Deb Poag at
NCFL’s 2017 Families Learning Conference is October 9-11 in Tucson, Ariz. Join us to learn best practices in parent and family engagement and innovative strategies in family literacy and learning. Registration is only $399 until July 15, 2017! Visit for more details and to register.
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