FACE Parent Essay Winner #3
Tanya Huskay
Beclabito FACE Program
During her daughter’s first week of school, Kayla was accepted in a nursing program, a dream of hers. Her essay focuses on the struggle between creating a better life and being an active participant in her daughter’s education. Luckily, Kayla is finding a way to do both.
“FACE strengthens my daughter and her grandmother’s relationship as well as my relationship with my mother and daughter. It brought our whole family together. They provided many opportunities for my daughter. Her home-based teacher, Tanya, showed me how I can help her to walk, learn new words and how I can read to her.
“FACE has been very supportive and important to my daughter and me. They support my role as a mother and student. They try to include me in activities when I am at the school. So far, they try to plan events on some evenings, so I can attend. The star party was one of them. It brought our family closer together under the stars by watching a movie and eating popcorn. We even got to see the full moon closer through a telescope.
“FACE has continued to be a wonderful experience in my life and continues to create memorable moments with my family and FACE friends. I believe FACE creates a big family out of little families. “