FACE Parent Essay Winner #5
Visaria C. Apachito
To’Hajiilee FACE Program
… At times, I would think that some of the stuff I was teaching Alyce was too advanced for her age. Little did I know, she was grasping on to the things I was teaching her. For example, when she was about six months old, I noticed her body language would change from curious to excitement when I would talk to her and ask her if she was ready for me to read to her.
As she got older, I could still see the same sparkle of excitement in her eyes when it’s time to read. The more I read to her, the more sounds and words Alyce could understand from what I was saying.
I never knew that reading and talking to her would have a big impact on her communication skills. That’s why I’m glad that I enrolled with the home-based program as early as I did. Otherwise, I don’t think I would have been consistent with the reading if I didn’t know that it would help her with her communication.
… My family and I feel that we made the right decision when we enrolled in the FACE program. The program has had a big impact on how we’ve been raising Alyce. Our family now has a better outlook on education in the early stages.
We’ve been so pleased with the program that we share our experiences with other families, and we encourage them to check out the program and experience the beauty of learning. This experience has been so successful that we look forward to the years to come.
This is how FACE has helped me and my family look beyond the stars, and for that we are grateful beyond words.