Families Learning Summit: How to get involved

Attention! NCFL is looking for education experts, researchers, and successful family literacy practitioners to submit a presentation proposal for the 2015 Families Learning Summit in Houston, Texas, on March 16-18. Below, you’ll also find information on the Literacy Funders Network Call for Proposals and the Toyota Family Learning Showcase.


Call for Experts

Have you had success helping families build 21st century skills or using new instructional strategies? Has your program found a way to incorporate family mentoring and family service learning? Are you successfully incorporating digital approaches to College and Career Readiness Standards into your curriculum? Are you a part of a successful collaborative effort focused on increasing your community’s literacy rates? Perhaps you have some exciting research findings to share. We are interested in hearing about your innovative ideas, how you are implementing them, and ways that broaden what literacy means in today’s society. Come and share your expertise with us at the 2015 Families Learning Summit. Begin by filling out the form below and you are on your way.

If you would like to view the entire form, or complete it offline and mail/email it to NCFL, here is the downloadable PDF version, and the Word version. You can then email it to mparkerson@familieslearning.org or mail it to:

National Center for Families Learning
Attn: Michelle Parkerson
325 W Main St., Ste. 300
Louisville, KY 40202

General guidelines for proposals

  • Session content should relate to your chosen focus area.
  • Sessions are one hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) in length and will run concurrently with other sessions.
  • Participant handouts and resources must be made available on the Summit App at a designated date prior to summit presentation.
  • If a session can be presented in both English and Spanish, please submit two proposals — one in English and one in Spanish.
  • All presenters and co-presenters must register for the Summit. NCFL grants lead presenters a waiver of one-half of the basic Summit registration fee.
  • Basic Summit registration fee is $475. Lead concurrent presenters will be charged $237.50 to attend the Summit.
  • Co-presenters are required to pay the full Summit registration fee.
  • Only the lead presenter will be contacted by NCFL.
  • Sessions are intended to share content and may not incorporate sales presentations.

The deadline for proposals is Friday, October 17, 2014.

Literacy Funders Network Call for Proposals

The Literacy Funders Network (LFN), an affinity group of the Council on Foundations, is pleased to be partnering with NCFL in this annual learning experience again this year. In addition to NCFL’s Call for Experts, the LFN is issuing a Call for Proposals to present sessions related to literacy coalition creation, funding, measurement of outcomes, and best practices. We anticipate producing a book about coalitions and seek to incorporate your wisdom and lessons learned!

Please contact Dr. Frank Ridzi at fridzi@cnycf.org to submit proposals for consideration.


Toyota Family Learning Showcase

National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) invites any person or entity working with families to submit a proposal for the Toyota Family Learning Showcase, an innovation competition at the 2015 Families Learning Summit in Houston, Texas. The Toyota Family Learning Showcase is a state-of-the-art exhibition of organizations and thought leaders advancing the field of family engagement through groundbreaking research, strategy, and technology. This showcase provides family learning innovators across the nation the opportunity to share their successes and ideas with Summit attendees and compete to win a $1,000 cash prize to support their inventive approaches in leading the next generation of families learning together. This competition is open to anyone and all applications are welcome.

The Toyota Family Learning Showcase will be held on Monday, March 16, 2015, from 5-6 p.m. NCFL will provide space at the evening reception, complete with a table, power source, and Wi-Fi access. All presentations should be visual, interactive, and incorporate technology. Any additional materials needed are the responsibility of the presenter. Presenters are expected to set up an hour prior to the start of the event and remain at their presentation space for the duration of the competition to allow attendees to engage with presenters and ask questions. You are encouraged to bring materials related to your organization, programming, or research to distribute to attendees. The Toyota Family Learning Showcase winner will be selected by Summit attendees and will receive a $1,000 cash prize generously sponsored by Toyota.

Applicants selected to present at the Toyota Family Learning Showcase will be notified at the end of January 2015. One representative from each presenting group will receive a 50-percent discount on Summit registration costs.

If you would like to submit your proposal, you can do so easily online by clicking the button below:

Alternatively, you can download a PDF version or a Word version of the form and mail or email it by Friday, October 31, 2014, to:

National Center for Families Learning
Attn: Kara Davis
325 West Main Street, Suite 300
Louisville, KY 40202
Email: kdavis@familieslearning.org