Friday Round-up: A recap of this week’s online learning opportunities
Though our current challenges continued this week, new opportunities to learn were created as well. At the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL), we shared ways to improve your mental wellbeing, discover funding sources, practice new vocabulary, and of course read together. Here’s a quick recap in case you missed it:
Monday Motivation—NCFL Family Learning Specialist Allison Miller started the week off with a mindfulness mediation exercise to help you get centered before another week of a new normal.
Teaching Tuesday—In this recent webinar, NCFL breaks down the $2.2 trillion CARES Act and discusses how family literacy and high-impact family engagement activities can be enhanced and expanded with CARES Act funding.
Wonder Wednesday—Wonder experts John and Amanda explore the media gallery that accompanies each Wonder of the Day®, which includes corresponding pictures and videos, such as those created by Emmy Award Winner Charlie Engelman.
Read Along Thursday—Sara and Ethan invite you to follow along as they read “Just One More Pet” from “5-Minute Little Critter Stories” by Mercer Mayer.
You can find next week’s series of online learning opportunities on NCFL’s social media channels (@FamiliesLearning and @NCFL) at 9 a.m. EDT each day. This series will run through the end of May. We hope that you’ll join us to learn in new and interesting ways.