Friday Round-up: A recap of this week’s online learning opportunities
Though the coronavirus health crisis continues on, so do new opportunities to learn. This week at the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL), we shared tips to improve your mental wellbeing, strategies to build reading skills, a growing digital learning platform, and a story in another language. Here’s a quick recap in case you missed it:
Monday Motivation— Angel and her son Darius took a walk around the neighborhood to share tips to maintaining a positive mentality during this time.
Teaching Tuesday—NCFL President and Founder Sharon Darling joined other national experts for a special Campaign for Grade-Level Reading webinar, “Making Sense of COVID-19: Federal Relief Packages and Supports for Families and Their Children.” NCFL Reading Specialist Dr. Becky Goetzinger also led a webinar on evidence-based instructional strategies for developing primary students’ knowledge of academic language.
Wonder Wednesday—Wonder experts John and Amanda explored the Wonderopolis® playlist on Flipgrid’s Disco Library.
Read Along Thursday—On World Book Day, Jessica read Uni Duni Tê, a children’s book written in Portugese by Ana Cristina Gluck.
You can find next week’s series of online learning opportunities on NCFL’s social media channels (@FamiliesLearning and @NCFL) at 9 a.m. EDT each day. All videos from previous weeks can be found on our YouTube channel.
This series will run through the end of May. We hope that you’ll join us to learn in new and interesting ways.