Friday Round-up: A recap of this week’s online learning opportunities
This week, the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) shared some common thoughts on time at home, new information on how 18 states have engaged in developing robust family engagement frameworks, a way to test your wonder, and a reading of the classic children’s book, “Love You Forever.” Here’s a quick recap in case you missed it:
Monday Motivation— You are not alone in your thoughts during this time. Tracy shared some of hers while living at home with teenagers.
Teaching Tuesday—The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading took a look at how 18 states have engaged in developing robust family engagement frameworks and how these efforts are paving the way for stronger engagement at the local level. You can still register for upcoming webinars.
Wonder Wednesday—Wonders of the Day® come with a “Try It Out” section, where you can test your newfound knowledge. Do birds get shocked when they sit on wires? Learn the answer, and quiz yourself, too.
Read Along Thursday— Danielle reads the classic story of a mother’s love. Join her for “Love you Forever” by Robert Munsch.
You can find next week’s series of online learning opportunities on NCFL’s social media channels (@FamiliesLearning and @NCFL) at 9 a.m. EDT each day. All videos from previous weeks can be found on our YouTube channel.
This series will run through the end of May. We invite you to join us anytime to learn in new and interesting ways.