Friday Round-up: A recap of this week’s online learning opportunities
This week, the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) challenged you to do something each day that brings you joy, shared how the early childhood field is innovating during COVID-19, explored a fun way to learn this summer, and read a children’s book about the coronavirus. Here’s a quick recap in case you missed it:
Monday Motivation— Michelle and her dog Harper challenged you to do something each day that brings you joy.
Teaching Tuesday—The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading hosted two webinars that looked at family perspectives during the pandemic, explored Nickelodeon’s Noggin, and discussed how the early childhood education field is innovating during this crisis.
Wonder Wednesday— From music to Mars, Camp Wonderopolis® covers lots of STEAM subjects and offers a fun and completely free way to learn this summer. Each of our five different Camps contains loads of lessons, Maker activities, and ways to check your learning. We explored this great way to build your child’s brain during the summertime.
Read Along Thursday— Allison and Gabe read “Shubert and Sophie Stay Home,” where Shubert and Sophie learn to navigate their big feelings about COVID-19 with help from their parents. This printable book is offered by Conscious Discipline.
You can find next week’s series of online learning opportunities on NCFL’s social media channels (@FamiliesLearning and @NCFL) at 9 a.m. EDT each day. All videos from previous weeks can be found on our YouTube channel.
This series will run through the end of May. We invite you to join us anytime to learn in new and interesting ways.