Friday Round-up: A recap of this week’s online learning opportunities
This week, in the final week of our online learning series, the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) shared ways that families are being supported during COVID-19, how to cultivate wonder and curiosity at all times, and read the “Word Collector” by Peter Reynolds. Here’s a quick recap in case you missed it:
Monday Motivation— This Monday, we honored all of the men and women who have died while serving in the United States military on Memorial Day. You can find the messages of motivation we’ve previously put together here.
Teaching Tuesday—How are families being supported during COVID-19? We invited you to join Thursday’s Facebook Live, where we looked at answers with some of our most innovative partners across the country. You can watch the recording here, and be sure to join us for our next Facebook Live on June 11, when we’ll discuss supporting immigrant families during COVID-19.
Wonder Wednesday—We recapped the past nine Wonder Wednesday episodes and explained how you can cultivate wonder and curiosity at all times through a Wonder Jar, Wonder Journal, and Wonder Wall.
Read Along Thursday—Andrea and her sons read “Word Collector” by Peter Reynolds.
This was the tenth and final week of our online learning series. Thank you to all who joined us along the way. You can find all of the videos from the series on our YouTube channel here. Also be sure to subscribe to our newsletters and follow us on social media @FamiliesLearning (Facebook) and @NCFL (Twitter) as we continue to share new resources and ideas throughout the summer.
We wish you and your family a wonderful summer full of enriching and memorable learning opportunities.