Happy Birthday, Wonderopolis®!
One year ago today, NCFL launched Wonderopolis.org®, the online destination where parents and teachers seek to nurture a brighter world for children through the power of discovery. One year later, we have a vibrant community of fellow Wonder Friends on the Web — from our many Wonder Friends who comment on the site to fellow members of the Verizon Thinkfinity Community to our loyal Facebook friends and Twitter followers.
We’ve worked to make learning fun, and we now have a full year’s worth of Wonders of the Day® — from #1 Why Are Flamingos Pink? to #365 How Do Fangs Work? — that inspire families and classrooms to embrace the wonders of learning found in everyday life.
And speaking of special Wonders of the Day, we came up with an extraspecial one to celebrate today’s milestone: #366 Why Do We Blow Out Birthday Candles?
After learning where this tradition comes from, help make our birthday wishes come true: Tell us what you wonder about! Then visit us on Facebook or Twitter to wish us a happy birthday!
Apply for America’s Wonder Year Adventure 2012!
Have you applied to be a Wonder Family or Wonder Teacher yet? The Wonder Year Adventure is open to the general public and will kick off with a hunt for three families and two teachers from diverse communities across the nation to join the groundbreaking family learning site for a Wonder Year. Apply today!