Happy National Summer Learning Day!

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June 21 marks the official start of summer and the start of a new season of learning for millions of families. Summer is the perfect time to spark student interest in subjects like science, art, and literature through hands-on activities that engage the whole family. In celebration of National Summer Learning Day, explore these 5 resources families can use to reimagine summer this year:

  1. Camp Wonderopolis – With the average cost of summer camp nationally topping $250 per week, free online tools like NCFL’s Camp Wonderopolis can help families address financial barriers to traditional summer camp. Register to participate in learning experiences, whether you have 6 weeks or one afternoon! Camp Wonderopolis helps students build vocabulary, reading comprehension skills, and science knowledge through over 40 interactive learning modules.
  2. National Literacy Directory – Research confirms that low-income students lose more than two months of grade-level equivalency in reading during the summer. NCFL’s National Literacy Directory helps families connect with over 10,000 local education and literacy programs nationwide to build literacy and comprehension skills.pablo (8)
  3. 30 Days of Families Learning – Summer is often an underutilized time for learning. Our 30 Days of Families Learning resource guide provides one month of engaging activities families can complete together.
  4. Renegade BuggiesNCFL’s award-winning iOS/Android game Renegade Buggies is an awesome platform that helps on-the-go families develop basic budgeting and money management skills. In Renegade Buggies, the mission is simple: ride your buggy (shopping cart) down the street and collect money and items before making smart spending decisions at checkout. Designed to engage parents and children in a joint-learning process, Renegade Buggies reinforces money-saving tips while instilling the value of fiscal responsibility in students.
  5. Family Trails – NCFL’s Toyota Family Trails inspires families nationwide to learn together through exploration. Get ideas for your next summer adventure by connecting with a diverse community of bloggers showcasing their family’s learning experiences and interests. Learn how others have used road trips, outdoor activities, and more to imaginatively explore the world around them.

For more information about National Summer Learning Day visit: http://www.summerlearning.org/?page=summer_learning_day.