Mississippi Families First state employees trained on NCFL Family Learning model
In August, staff members from the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) trained employees from Mississippi Department of Human Services and Families First for Mississippi to implement the NCFL Family Learning model in 20 social service centers located throughout the state.

Participants were eager and open to learn about our research-based, innovative model that consists of Family Service Learning, Parent and Child Together (PACT) TimeĀ®, and Parent Time. High impact strategies used in the model include adult skill building, child skill building, digital integration, and deliberate social capital building.
Mississippi Gen+ is a Department of Human Services initiative that partners with the Families First for Mississippi grant program to help families rise out of poverty by teaching employability skills to unemployed adults while also helping children make academic gains. NCFL was approached by the state of Mississippi to train its employees on the NCFL Family Learning model, given the promising outcomes observed in our Family Learning programs throughout the country.
If you are interested in bringing the NCFL Family Learning model to your program or community, please contact Dr. Josh Cramer at jcramer@familieslearning.org for more information.