NCFL and Better World Books announce Wonderopolis mini-grant winners
NCFL and Better World Books have announced 20 mini-grants winners that have proposed creative ideas for using Wonderopolis® with families.
These $500 mini-grants were awarded to 20 schools, libraries and community-based organizations that submitted innovative ideas for adopting and using Wonderopolis with the families in their existing programs. Most target at-risk populations, including a program for children whose parents are in prison.
There also is tremendous variety in the programs — from elementary schools to gifted programs to school-to-home outreach. These programs, from both urban and rural areas, reach more than 2,600 students and their families in 11 states.
Winning applications range from creating mock trials and editing video footage on iMovie that can be posted online and shared with other students to making a Wonderopolis quilt to creating a blog to post student videos and photos.
The mini-grants will help personalize Wonderopolis for families in their programs and communities. Further expanding the impact, the grants also will give other programs and communities ideas for how to maximize the use of Wonderopolis.
This is the latest partnership effort between NCFL and Better World Books, which began in 2005.
NCFL and Better World Books congratulates all 20 recipients!