NCFL Conference Closes Out With A Bang
As promised, here’s a few of our Closing Brunch highlights. Thanks to all of you for being part of this year’s event. We hope it was all that you hoped for!
(And if you are looking at your calendar, next year’s conference will be February 28 to March 3 in Orlando!)
- Martha Bozman from GED Testing Service shared a story about her travels in Nepal and encouraged the audience that “from a little, we can learn more.”
- Nathaniel Graham was the student speaker for this session. He spoke of growing up in a dangerous part of Washington, D.C. and the power of family literacy to lift him back up after dropping out of school. His speech was quite powerful, and my favorite quote was “you have to get you right before you worry about others.” Nathaniel also recited his poem, “Better than Most,” and I have included a few lines below. Thanks Nathaniel!
“… Never complain how bad you think you got it
For someone has it worse than you
And if you feel you’re going through the fire now be thankful cause he’s trying to use you
And then you like me can be better than most.”
- Dr. Dorothy Strickland delivered a presentation on Family Literacy & the Achievement Gap.
- And how could we forget Gary Knell and Grover! Though it is unlikely “Groverpedia” will ever catch on, these two gave us a wonderful glimpse into the world of Sesame Street and the importance of technology for connecting with this generation of learners. Attendees also caught a glimpse of the new “Electric Company,” to premiere in January on PBS.
If you have photos from the conference to share, please upload them to Flickr and tag them with “NCFL” so we can share them with the world.
Is there something we missed? Let us know! Post your suggestions and help plan next year’s event.