NCFL presents at adult ed conference in New Orleans
Donna Elder, senior reading and training specialist at the National Center for Family Literacy, shares her experience at the 2013 COABE (Commission on Adult Basic Education) and LAPCAE (Louisiana Association for Public, Community, & Adult Education) National Conference:

It seems as though it just began, but the 2013 COABE and LAPCAE National Conference is winding down! What a great conference it has been!
The conference carried the title of Louisiana Literacy Lagniappe. Lagniappe is a south Louisiana term for a little something extra. Coming here, we had high hopes of delivering and receiving just that—time to learn and share and connect and reconnect with colleagues across the country! Sylvia (Dr. Sylvia Cobos Lieshoff) and I are not the only ones who represented the National Center for Family Literacy at the conference. Our president and founder, Sharon Darling, gave remarks at the closing session Thursday morning.
The sessions NCFL presented have been met with great enthusiasm and attendance. We provided four sessions thanks to the generous support and partnership of the Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy at Penn State University.
Did you attend the 2013 COABE and LAPCAE conference? If so, what was your favorite part?