NCFL tips our hats to GED® grads!

Here at the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL), our primary focus is to empower parents and children living in poverty to improve their lives through education and become strong contributors to their communities. For families across the country, when parents attain their GED®, the positive effects are cascading from generation to generation.

Post #GEDGradDay on social media on May 18

On Thursday, May 18, 2017, GED Testing Service® is throwing a virtual party for GED® graduates, to celebrate all that they have accomplished and encourage the next generation of students to fulfill their potential. For the second consecutive year, GED Testing Service® has generously designated NCFL to be the beneficiary of #GEDGradDay! Every time #GEDGradDay is posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, GED Testing Service® will donate $1 to NCFL to support our two-generation family learning efforts. NCFL’s family learning programs help parents to achieve their educational goals including GED® attainment and learning the English language.

GED Testing Service® is asking its followers and adult education advocates everywhere to post selfies tipping their hats off to GED® grads. NCFL is joining the fun, along with GED® graduates, and their family members, friends, teachers, employers, and aspiring GED® students, by tipping our hats to grads.

How can you participate?

  1. Grab your favorite hat and take a selfie raising, tipping, or throwing it in celebration of GED® grads around the world.
  2. Post the picture to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, including the hashtag #GEDGradDay. Here are a couple example posts you could use:
      • I’m tipping my hat to GED grads everywhere. Join me in celebrating #GEDGradDay!
      • Hats off to students improving their lives by getting their GED! Post your selfie and include #GEDGradDay!
  3. Challenge your friends to do the same by tagging them in your posts!

Help us celebrate adult learners who are improving their lives, and the lives of their families, by getting their GED®. Share your student success stories or why you worked to attain your GED® and how it has changed your life.

Find more details about #GEDGradDay and how to get involved at

Post #GEDGradDay on social media on May 18