Registration open for online class for Family Literacy Certificate

The Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy at Penn State and the National Center for Family Literacy are pleased to offer the following postbaccalaureate professional development opportunity:

ADTED 457: Adult Literacy is a three-credit postbaccalaureate course that examines adult literacy issues, research, theory and instructional practices in the context of family literacy. The course studies the literacy needs of adults as they pertain to the roles of parent, worker and community member.

Parents’ involvement in their children’s education is an ongoing theme, with a focus on how to engage parents with low-level skills in literacy activities with their children at home. Research related to teaching English as a Second Language is also discussed in the context of adult and family literacy.

Registration is now open. The course begins on September 7, 2011.

For more information, visit Penn State’s Postbaccalaureate Certificate in Family Literacy web page, or e-mail Dr. Sheila Sherow.

Register today!