There’s still time to apply for the Toyota Teacher of the Year award
Do you know an educator making an impact on the lives of learners through family engagement? Maybe he’s the teacher working with English language learners at your community center. Or she’s the children’s librarian at your library branch. There are many unsung heroes in literacy and education programs in towns across the United States, and we need your help identifying and rewarding them!
Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2013 Toyota Teacher of the Year award. This award gives an outstanding educator $20,000 to support an innovative family engagement project and significant national recognition for his or her exemplary work with families. In addition, this educator will win a scholarship to the 2013 National Conference on Family Literacy. One national runner-up will receive a $2,500 grant for his/her program and a scholarship to the conference.
Eligible Teacher of the Year applicants are not only teachers working in traditional classrooms and family literacy programs; educators directly working with children and families in preschool programs, libraries, or other community-based organizations are eligible for this award.
Click here to learn more about the award and apply. Nominations are due by Wednesday, Feb. 13.