Welcome To Literacy Now!
The literacy community — the teachers, students, volunteers, advocates and supporters — has evolved greatly since I first became involved some 35 years ago in a church basement. As I look back, it’s the lives that have been transformed that mean the most to me. The fathers and mothers who are now succeeding and have children who are self-sufficient because of the power of literacy… it’s what gets me up in the morning.
I am excited about the progress we can achieve through technology and instant communication. We can provide training online 24/7, can direct students to amazing learning opportunities online and through this new blog, we can communicate with one another.
NCFL is launching this blog, Literacy Now, to provide an opportunity for anyone engaged or interested in the cause of literacy to share information, news and insights. You can access our blog at anytime on our website. We will update the blog weekly with postings from NCFL, but look forward to hearing from you too. Please subscribe to the blog and come back often!
As I think back over the years, I recall so many things I’ve learned by sharing information with others. I am hopeful that this blog will increase our capacity to converse and share in order to help create a more literate nation.
Sincerely yours,
Sharon Darling