What’s new at the 2018 Families Learning Conference?
As the premier professional development event in family literacy and learning, attendees to the Families Learning Conference have come to expect high quality sessions with practical strategies to use in their communities across the country. In addition to providing excellent content, this year’s Conference, held September 23-26, features many new opportunities. Keep reading to learn more!
Education Solutions Strands
Every concurrent session falls into one of six strands, Adult Education, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Early Childhood Education, English Learners, Research and Policy, and Two-Generation Learning. Additionally, sub-strands of content will be offered in library programming, financial literacy by Florida Prosperity Partnership, and by COABE-affiliated presenters. With over 120 concurrent sessions offered, having these strands identified will help you zero in on the content you need most.
Early Childhood Pre-Conference Session, Sunday, Sept. 23
Limited to 100 attendees; Requires signup within conference registration system*
Are you looking for new ways to raise up families’ voices? Have you heard about design thinking but not sure how it applies to you? Sponsored by Children’s Services Council (CSC) of Broward County and in collaboration with the Global Family Research Project and The Early Learning Lab, NCFL is hosting a pre-conference workshop on the human-centered design thinking approach to family engagement in early childhood. This innovative session is free to the first 100 registered conference attendees to sign up and will take place on Sunday, September 23, ahead of the 2018 Families Learning Conference. Space is limited so please register early.
MODS Mix and Mingle, Sunday, Sept. 23
Free to attend, but complimentary drink ticket requires signup within conference registration system*
On Sunday, September 23, join NCFL for an hour with the Museum of Discovery & Science (MODS), sponsored by JM Family Enterprises! At this fun, pre-Conference event, attendees will mingle while visiting MODS’ mobile planetarium and STEM table activities. The first 100 attendees to sign up during registration will receive a complimentary drink ticket.
PNC Grow Up Great® Welcome Reception, Monday, Sept. 24
On Monday, September 24, enjoy light appetizers, a cash bar, and beautiful ocean views while taking part in interactive learning stations sponsored by PNC. The PNC Grow Up Great® initiative produces a traveling exhibit that provides an opportunity for parents and caregivers to learn about the importance of early childhood education while they engage in fun activities with their kids. Conference participants will be able to experience the PNC Grow Up Great® Mobile Learning Adventure. Channel your inner child by exploring the different learning modules!
Coffee Klatsch with Randy Trask, Sponsored by GED Testing Service®, Monday, Sept. 24
Limited to 175 attendees; Requires signup within conference registration system*
Up to 175 attendees will enjoy an afternoon pick-me-up session featuring a gourmet coffee & tea bar with sweet treats and the crème de la crème: the exciting opportunity to hear from GED Testing Service® CEO Randy Trask in an intimate, informal setting! Given the popularity of this event in recent years, GED Testing Service will enjoy an expanded time frame of 2-3:15pm for conversation, questions, and the opportunity to share cutting-edge adult education news with a national audience. Please reserve your spot in advance for this engaging dialogue!
Exhibits in the Conference breezeway
Back by popular demand, exhibits will be available starting at 5:00pm Sunday, September 23, and throughout Conference hours. Learn about the latest resources in education while you peruse exhibits at a time that works best for your schedule.
Ready to secure your spot at the 2018 Families Learning Conference? Register today at conference.familieslearning.org/register.
PS: don’t forget to make your hotel reservation using our group rate at conference.familieslearning.org/hotel. Rooms are close to selling out!
*If you are already registered for the conference and want to RSVP for a ticketed event, email conference@familieslearning.org and include the event for which you would like to register.