Literacy Voices Roundup – December 19

I am taking a brief hiatus from Literacy Voices Roundup until Friday, January 9. Have a wonderful holiday season, hopefully filled with reading!

A Holiday Reading Tradition For The Whole Family

From “In the dark days after Thanksgiving, before the holiday season is in full swing, Sally Kern drags out a big box filled not with holiday decorations — those will come later — but with books. Sally and Stephen Kern read to their kids pretty much every night, but the books in this box are special, reserved for this time of year only.

Financial Literacy for Girls

This post on focuses on making smart money choices. It’s casually written and perfect for a younger audience who’s beginning to learn about finances.

Obama Picks Chicago’s Schools Chief For Cabinet

From The Washington Post, President-elect Barack Obama will nominate Chicago schools executive Arne Duncan as his education secretary.

Media specialist makes library an extension of the classroom

From Georgia’s The Covington News: “Media specialist Kimberly Ramsey has spent the past several years diligently collaborating with teachers at Oak Hill Elementary to ensure that the library there is an extension of each classroom.”

Here’s another great site from Larry Ferlazzo. Speakaboos “brings classic children’s entertainment into a digital world. Beloved characters and treasured stories are given new life through amazing celebrity performances, beautiful illustrations and original music. At Speakaboos, children develop literacy skills while learning about technology.”