Literacy Voices Roundup – June 6

Westlake High typo a good ‘educaiton’

A typo on diplomas… oops! From The Plain Dealer in Cleveland.

Is America Dumb?

Oklahoma is one of three states with pre-K offered to all families. And the results are encouraging. But lack of funding makes universal preschool out of reach for most states. A video from

Here’s a website connecting classrooms in need with individuals who want to help. Project proposals at range from “Where Did All the Pencils Go?” ($60) to “Dictionaries for At-Home Use” ($259) to “Geological Field Trip” ($2,000). Most proposals are not simply requests for materials but fantastic ideas for helping students learn. Teachers, join to submit your own proposal.

Virtual Field Trips

Though it’s not the same as actually going on a trip, this site offers kids the chance to discover Ancient Egyptian art or visit the Andes.